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Directorate of Vocational Education and Training, Maharashtra State DVET RO - Nagpur
Email jtdir.nagpur@dvet.edu.in
Phone 0712-2565555
About Nagpur Region
Shri C. P. Radhakrishnan, Shri. Devendra Fadanvis, Shri. Eknath Shinde, Shri. Ajit Pawar, Shri. Mangal Prabhat Lodha Smt. Manisha Varma (I.A.S.) Smt. Madhavi Sardeshmukh (I.A.S.)
Hon. Governor Hon. Chief Minister Hon. Dy. Chief Minister Hon. Dy. Chief Minister Hon. Minister of Skill Employment Hon. Additional Chief Secretary Hon. Director
Entrepreneurship and Innovation SEEID

 The Department of Technical Education was established in 1948 to bring various activities pertaining of Technical Education at all levels, under one roof. This Department was made responsible to administer & control various activities pertaining to Engineering Colleges, Technological Institutes, Polytechnics, Industrial Training Institutes, Industrial School, Technical School, Government Industrial Training Workshops & other Certificate Courses concerned with Vocational & Technical Training. In addition to this, the responsibility of Post Graduate Courses & Research was also shouldered by this Department. Since four decades the activities of various programmes under the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) increased tremendously & in order to meet the skilled manpower requirement, the training activities have been increased by way of starting new Government as well as Private institutes in the Maharashtra.

In order to have a smooth functioning of these activities the Directorate of Technical Education was bifurcated in two separate Directorates namely Directorate of Technical Education and Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) in 1984.

The administrative responsibilities in respect of Craftsman Training Scheme (Industrial Training Institutes), Government Industrial Training Workshops, Vocationalization of Education at +2 stage, Technical Education at Secondary level & Certificate & allied Vocational Courses were entrusted with the Directorate of Vocational Education & Training.

The objectives of DVET are:

          • To ensure a steady flow of skilled workers in different trades for the industry.
          • To raise the quality & quantity of industrial production by systematic training of workers.
          • To reduce unemployment among the educated youth by equipping them with suitable skills for industrial employment.
Joint Director Message

Regional office of Directorate of Vocational Education and Training (DVET) Nagpur cover’s six district namely Nagpur, Wardha, Bhandara, Gondia, Chandrapur & Gadchiroli. We being the controlling office for all Institutions (Govt. & Non-Govt.) in Nagpur region under DVET, supervise & control these Institution by way of ensuring that all matter’s are dealt with as per rules & regulations laid down by Government and DGT New Delhi. We also co-ordinate with Industry, other Government Departments & statutory organisations to contribute towards development of skilled manpower in the region as per the needs and requirement of Industry.

Our vision is to empower & equip our youth with modern and new age skills, to face and challenge the dynamic Industrial needs and requirement. We also aim to start new age courses in these institutes so as to cater to the evolving fields in the market.

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