
The Central Government announced new education policy in 1986 and opined that emphasis should be laid on the Vocationalization at + 2 stage at higher Secondary level of education and accordingly the scheme of Vocational Education based on competencies is prepared by the national Council for the education Research and Training to be implemented throughout the country. Thus State government has accorded a sanction to introduce 20 Vocational subjects in different groups based on the competencies from the academic year 1988-89 and the more subjects from, academic year 2014-15.

The facilities for 20 Vocational subjects based on competencies are running and the present 14320 intake capacity is sanctioned in 10 Govt. and 139 in Private Aided and 02 Private Self Finance Institute. The Maharashtra State Board Secondary education, Pune has approved syllabus of 30 Vocational Subjects based on competencies in the groups.


  1. As on today 4% of the student population in Junior Colleges has been covered under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Vocational Education.
  2. By the year 2002, 25% of the student’s population is proposed to be brought under the preview of this scheme. The Vocational passed outs being provided Apprenticeship- training facilities under the Apprenticeship Act 1961 (amended) apprentices are covered by the provision of the Act.
  3. The vocational pass outs also become eligible to get wage-employment as well as Vocational Education is useful for getting self-employment.

Present Status of the No .of Institutes &Intake in +2 level Vocational Education (August 2024)

Sr. No. Type Of Institute                 No. of Institutes  Available Seats (Admission Capacity) Admitted
Govt Private Aided Private Un-Aided Govt Private Aided Private Un-Aided Govt Private Aided Private Un-Aided
1 +2 Level Vocational Education    10      139      02  0   14210   110 0 4738 20