Apprenticeship Training Scheme ( Under Apprenticeship Act 1961 )
Industrial development is one of the prime needs for our Country. Great Stress has been laid on this factor in the various development plans of the country. The development and sustenance of industry needs trained personnel to perform the multifarious functions necessary for it. Acute shortage of manpower in the skilled categories is felt in many Industries. It has been realized that Apprenticeship Training Scheme is one of the most important sources of supply of skilled manpower to the industry.
With this objective, the Apprentices Act 1961 was enacted in the parliament on 23rd December 1961. The Act came into force from 1st March 1962 and is applicable to the whole of India. Apprenticeship Act was implemented in order to improve the level of training in industrial field Apprenticeship Act 1961 & 1986. The scheme has been implemented in the state since January 1963 after the enactment of the Act in 1962. Also, important amendments have been made by the Central Government under the Apprenticeship Act 1961 dated 22nd December 2014 and Apprenticeship Act Rules 1992 dated 18th June 2015.
In order to increase the number of apprentices, the Government of Maharashtra has amended the Apprenticeship Act, 1961, as per Maharashtra Government Gazette Extraordinary Part – VIII Extraordinary No. 22 dated 09/02/2018 and Maharashtra Government Gazette Extraordinary Part IV (Notification) dated 05/04/2018. Establishments have been urged to recruit 25% apprentices with priority from their manpower.
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Department of the Central Government vide letter No. MSDE-01 (01) / 2018-AP (PMU) New Delhi, dated 01/10/2019, According to the establishment which has 30 or more manpower (including contract workers), the recruitment of apprentices in the financial year is 2.5% to 15% (for Maharashtra 25%) is mandatory. At least 5% seats should be reserved for fresher and skill certificate holders while recruiting apprentices. Establishments with manpower of 4 to 29 (including contract workers) are not required to recruit apprentices, but they can recruit apprentices. Establishments with three or less manpower are not allowed to recruit apprentices.
Under the Act, it is a statutory obligation on Employers in the specified industries to engage apprentices as per ratio prescribed in the designated trades.
Director, Vocational Education & Training is appointed as State Apprenticeship Advisor to look into the matter of scheme in the State. 6 Regional heads have been declared as Deputy Apprenticeship Advisor (Sr.). They look into the matter of the scheme for Government / Private establishments. Various Committees are formed to solve problem as well as to offer guidance on Private& Semi-Government level in order to implement scheme more effectively at state level.
State Council for Vocational Training
The State Council for Vocational Training is a counter part of NCVT at State level and it plays the same role, that is played by NCVT at National level. The SCVT is Chaired by the Secretary for Skill Development, Employment & Entrepreneurship.
- To regulate the programme of training of apprentices in industry so as to conform to the prescribed syllabi, period of training etc. prescribed by the Central Apprenticeship Council.
- To utilize fully the facilities available in industry for imparting practical training with a view to meeting the requirements of skilled workers.
- To make it obligatory on the part of employers, both in public-and private-sector industries, to engage apprentices according to the ratio of apprentices to workers (other than unskilled) in designated trades, Prescribed under the rules.
The training places are located through intensive surveys conducted in establishments. The objective being to locate the maximum facilities for apprenticeship training.
Apprentices Act & Amendments
Amendment to Apprentices Act, 1961- Dt. 30/12/2014
Amendment to Apprenticeship Rules, 1992- Dt. 22/07/2015
Ammended Guideline – Dt. 05/04/2018
Amendment to Apprenticeship Rules(Maharshtra) – Dt. 09/02/2018
Amendment to Apprenticeship Rules(Maharshtra) – Dt. 09/02/2018 (Marathi)
SR No | BTRI Center | Institutes | Available Seats | Admission | Admission Percentage | ||||||
Govt. | Pvt. | Total | Govt. | Pvt. | Total | Govt. | Pvt. | Total | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
1 | Nagpur | 28 | 236 | 264 | 1345 | 1327 | 2672 | 1291 | 1097 | 2348 | 88% |
2 | Wardha | 11 | 96 | 107 | 230 | 568 | 798 | 224 | 139 | 363 | 46% |
3 | Gondia | 2 | 3 | 5 | 631 | 337 | 968 | 431 | 331 | 762 | 79% |
4 | Bhandara | 5 | 64 | 69 | 265 | 315 | 580 | 255 | 225 | 480 | 83% |
5 | Chandrapur | 23 | 72 | 95 | 920 | 275 | 1195 | 568 | 211 | 759 | 64% |
Total | 69 | 471 | 540 | 3391 | 2822 | 6213 | 2769 | 2003 | 4712 | 76% |
Implementation of Apprentice Training Scheme
Apprenticeship Training Scheme is implemented online through the website launched by the Central Government from 19th August 2016 and from 06th April 2020. Procedures regarding registration of establishment, registration of apprentices, payment of stipend and reimbursement of stipend etc. are detailed on the website.
261 trades in various 39 groups relating to both Engineering & Non-Engineering Industries, have so far been designated under the Apprentices Act 1961. The certificate courses(123) recognized by Maharashtra State Board of Skill Development are included under Apprenticeship Training Scheme vide Central Government Notification Dt. 07/09/2017
Qualification For Admission
A person, male or female, is qualified for being engaged as an apprentice if he / she is not less than 14 year of age & satisfies the prescribed standards of Education and Physical Fitness.
Age | 14 years completed(18 years in case of Hazardous Industries defined under the Apprenticeship Rules) | Weight | 25.4 Kg |
Height | 137 c. m. | Vision | Good |
The minimum educational qualification is different for different trades. For some trades, educational qualification is SSC passed or equivalent, whereas for some it is two classes below SSC. There is provision of Apprenticeship Training for ex-ITI students.
Apprentices can be engaged any time in year.
Mode Of Recruitment
The Employer having its own Basic Training facilities can engage fresher Apprentices and employer not having Basic Training facilities have to engage ex- ITI trainees for Apprenticeship.
Employer has his own choice to engage candidates for Apprenticeship Training. For the engage of Apprentices, the employer can advertise the posts in the local news paper or render all possible assistance from the bonafied agencies for the engagement of Apprentices. Department is engaging Bharati Melawas in concerned session to engage apprentices in all over Maharashtra.
Duration Of Training
Duration of Apprenticeship Training including Basic Training is 6 Months to 36 Months.
Training Programme
Training Programme for Trade Apprentices in each designated trade is comprised of:
Basic Training
Basic Training consists of theoretical & practical/lab instructions segment of every Apprenticeship Programme syllabi related to a particular trade post which on-the-job-training is imparted to the apprentice. Basic Training is an essential component of Apprenticeship Training for those who have not undergone any institutional training/skill training before taking up on-the-job training/practical training. Basic Training is imparted to fresher apprentices for acquiring a reasonable ability to handle Instruments/Machineries/Equipment independently prior to being moved to Shop Floor/Work Area for practical/On-Job training.
On the Job or Shop Floor Training ( Inplant Training )
The shop floor training is to be given to the apprentices by the employer in the workshop. OJT is practical training imparted at the workplace premises of an establishment.
Types of Apprentice in Apprenticeship Scheme
S.No | Types of Apprenticeship | Required Qualification |
1 | Trade Apprentices | Passed out of ITIs |
2 | Fresher Trade Apprentice | Class 8th,10th & 12th pass outs |
3 | Graduate Apprentice | Graduates in Engineering & Non Engineering courses |
4 | Technician Apprentice | Passed out of Polytechnics |
5 | Technician (Vocational) Apprentice | Passed out of 10+2 vocational training course |
6 | Apprentices who are persuing their graduaion/diploma courses. | |
7 | Apprentices who have passed out of any NSQF aligned Short term training Course including courses under the PMKVY/DDUGKY/MES | |
8 | Fresher Apprentices amongst those who are class V pass & above who are not covered under any of the afore-mentioned categories but meet the Educational/Technical qualifications as specified in the course curriculum |
Rates of Stipend
Apprentices are given stipend which is sanctioned by Central Government.
As per Notification G.S.R. 680(E) Dt. 22nd September 2014,Revised Rates of Stipend are as follows :
S.No | Category | Prescribed minimum amount of stipend (Rs.) |
1 | School pass-outs (class 5th – class 9th) | 5000 per month |
2 | School pass-outs (class 10th) | 6000 per month |
3 | School pass-outs (class 12th) | 7000 per month |
4 | National or State Certificate holder | 7000 per month |
5 | Technician (vocational) apprentice or Vocational Certificate holder or Sandwich Course (Students from Diploma Institutions) | 7000 per month |
6 | Technician apprentices or diploma holder in any stream or sandwich course (students from degree institutions) | 8000 per month |
7 | Graduate apprentices or degree apprentices or degree in any stream | 9000 per month |
During the second year of apprenticeship training, there shall be an increase of 10% in the prescribed minimum stipend amount and further 15% increase in the prescribed minimum stipend amount during the third year of apprenticeship training.
Every apprentice who has completed the prescribed period of apprenticeship training and has put in minimum required attendance shall appear for an All India Trade Test which is conducted by National Council for Vocational Training. These tests are held twice a year.
Engagement of Apprentices
Apprentices can be engaged any time in year. But apprentice will be eligible to appear for coming NCVT Exam after completion of training period. Also NCVT Exam will be conducted twice in year.
Offer and Acceptance of Employment
It shall not be obligatory on the part of the employer to offer an employment to an apprentice nor shall it be obligatory on the part of the apprentice to accept an employment under the employer on successful completion of training, unless it is specifically provided in the contract of Apprenticeship.
Contract of Apprenticeship
Every person regarded as an apprentice or if he is a minor his guardian shall have to execute a contract of apprenticeship with the employer in the prescribed form, which will be registered with the Apprenticeship Advisor. The Apprenticeship Training will be imparted in pursuance of this contract. The apprentices and the employer shall carry out their obligation under this contract.
Obligations of the three parties involved in the contract
- To bear the cost on Related Instructions to be imparted to apprentices.
- To provide Basic Training to apprentices engaged by employer employing less than 250 workers other than unskilled workers.
- To inspect the progress of training of apprentices.
- To conduct final examination and issue certificates on behalf of NCVT.
- To register the contracts of apprenticeship executed between apprentices/guardian and employer and to look into complaints, if any, between them.
- To engage apprentices as per prescribed ratio.
- To provide Shop Floor Training and Related Instruction to apprentices with his trade.
- To submit periodical reports and returns to the Government.
- To meet his share of expenditure in imparting training including payment of stipend to apprentices.
- To look after the health, safety and welfare of apprentices.
- To conduct practical examination and issue certificates on behalf of NCVT.
- To learn his trade conscientiously and diligently.
- To carry out his obligations under the contract of Apprenticeship, to be executed by him at the time of admission.
- To follow the rules and regulations of the establishments.
Offences and Penalties
Where the contract of Apprenticeship is terminated due to failure on the part of an employer in carrying out the terms and conditions of contract, he shall be liable to pay to the apprentice compensation of an amount equivalent to his three months last drawn stipend.
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
Apprenticeship Training Portal
Government of India has notified National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme on 19th August, 2016 with an objective to promote apprenticeship training and to increase the engagement of apprentices from present 2.3 lakh to 50 lakh cumulatively by 2020. The implementation period of scheme is 2016-19 and has an outlay of Rs.10,000 Crore.
National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS)
- National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme – (NAPS) has been started Central Government from 19/08/2016 to promote recruitment of Apprentice For this Scheme Central Government has allocated Rs. 19,76,80,350 / – (Nineteen crore seventy lakh eighty thousand three hundred and fifty only).
- Under National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme for recruitment of Apprentices from 19/08/2016 onwards 25% of the stipend paid per Apprentice or Rs.1500/- which is less will be payable to the establishment.
- This amount is not payable during the basic training period of fresher Apprentices under this scheme. The amount of basic training for fresher Apprentices (Rs.7500/- maximum) will be payable for 500 hours / 3 months.
Maharashtra Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (MAPS)
Maharashtra Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme Portal
- Government Resolution of Skill Development, Employment and Entrepreneurship Department No.ITI-2020 / Pra.No. 127 / Vyashi-3, dt.03.06.2021, it has been approved to implement “Maharashtra Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (MAPS)” in government, semi-government and private establishments to increase and encourage recruitment of apprentices under apprenticeship training scheme.
- Under Maharashtra Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme 75 per cent of the stipend payable to the apprentices or maximum of Rs.5,000/- per month, which is less will be allowed to the apprentices by Government of Maharashtra.
- This benefit will not be allowed to the apprentices during the basic training period of the apprentice. However, the Institutes which provides Basic Training will be allowed at the rate of Rs. 20/- per hour (By deducting the reimbursement of Rs.15/- per hour from the Central Government) for a maximum of 500 hours up to Rs.2500/-
- Institutions providing basic training will not be reimbursed for training expenses by the Central Government Reimbursement of training expenses for a maximum of 500 hours at the rate of Rs.20/- per hour per trainee up to Rs.10,000/- will be allowed to the basic training provider.
- The Target of Maharashtra Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme is to train 1,00,000 the apprentices every year.