

  • To train new generation of Skilled Workers.
  • To upgrade the skills of existing Industrial Workers in Hi-Tech areas.


Hi-Tech Training Scheme is started in May 1999.

S.No Courses Offered
1 Industrial Automation
2 Analog and Digital Electronics
3 P C Maintenance
4 Computer Aided Drafting

The scheme is upgraded under Incentive fund in 2016.The courses offered in Hi-Tech Training Scheme.

S.No Courses Offered after Upgradation
1 Mechatronics
2 Industrial Robotics

Automation is a set of technologies that results in operation of machines and systems without significant human intervention and achieves performance superior to manual operation.

Mechatronics is one of the most enabling technologies in Industrial Automation and has become a way of thinking than a trend in technology.

Application of Industrial Automation, along with the power of Mechatronics has revolutionized the manufacturing industry in India.

The Indian Automation industry has seen a rapid growth in the recent years.

The objective of the proposed short term/long term course is to introduce the state-of-the-art techniques in Automation and Mechatronics to the practicing engineers and academicians to enable them to take up challenging assignments in the future.

Mechatronics has become a key to many different products and processes. Modern systems have reached a level of sophistication, which would have been hard to imagine using traditional methods.

Mechatronics integrates the classical fields of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Information Technology to establish basic principles for a contemporary engineering design methodology.

A Mechatronics concentration area in the engineering curriculum would support the synergistic integration of precision Mechanical Engineering, Electronics control and systems, thinking into the design, the commissioning, the operation, the maintenance and the repair of “intelligent” products and processes.

The importance of Mechatronics will further increase due to consumer demands, which will yield excellent job opportunities for Skilled Workers, Technicians and Engineers.

Implementation of Mechatronics System in Indian industry are Automobile Industry, Process Industry, Packaging, Food and Beverages, Pharma etc.