
Earlier Vocational  Technical Subjects  are taught from standard VIII along with all academic Subjects  and consider as work experience . As per new policy on education Pre  Vocational Courses has been started from 1996-97 as multi skill component. These courses are as follows.

1) Introduction to Basic Technology

2)Elements of Mechanical Engineering.

3)Element of Electrical & Electronic Technology

And know As per Ministry of HRD government of India develop national skill qualification frame work (NSQF) to introduce Vocational courses from class 9th onward.   NSQF   organized qualification accordingly to series of level of knowledge and skill. These level are defined in terms of learning outcomes .  From 2015 -2016  NSQF compliance vocational education started from standard 9th with level 1 and standard 10 with level 2 and so on . Student can choose   NSQF Vocational courses from 9th  instead of Eighth one of the language  or social study.   NSQF Level 1,2,3,4 co –educated with academic education 9th,10th, 11th,12th Classes .


NVEQF (now NSQF) is a nationally integrated education and  competency based skill framework that will provide for multiple pathways both within vocational education and between general and vocational education to link one level of learning to another higher level and enable learners to progress to higher level and enable learners to progress to higher levels from any starting point in education and skill system .It is a framework to enhance employability skills of your students by introducing applied learning skills in integration with academic stream.

Self –discovery by the pupil of his own ability and aptitude, making him more alert and active.

Knowledge of industry, its methods of production and effect on everyday social and economic life.

Satisfaction through self –expression by certain work while manufacturing articles.

Application of good design and good workmanship in any manufactured products.

Ability to use tools and material for production of article product.

Knowledge in selection, purchase use and care of manufactured articles both for use in the house and in occupational life.

Ability to make sketches and drawing for constructional purpose and to read technical illustration in books and journals.

Basic knowledge in the use of tools, machines, material and process to carry on educational and professional work in scientific or technological level.

State government runs two types of government Technical schools

1)Full fledged Technical High Schools where academic as well as the Technical subjects are taught   together

2)Technical High Schools / Centers where only technical subjects are taught and students from neighboring school takes participation for subject

Present Status of the No.of Institutes &Intake in Pre S.S.C Level Vocational Education (2024-25)

S.No. Type Of Institute                 No. of Institutes  Available Seats (Admission Capacity)

Govt Private Aided Private Un-Aided Govt Private Aided Private Un-Aided Govt Private Aided Private Un-Aided
1 Pre S.S.C level Vocational Education 31 GTHSC    03          04 4320  240    240 3299 65 62