Production Oriented Scheme


As training of ITI is more practical oriented, during the training period, it is necessary to increase the self-confidence of the trainees and to make them competent to handle the various machines individually and to do the job correctly and accurately within the given limits and within the time limits as manufactured by Industries. Hence it is necessary to do more and more Jobs as done in factories.

Considering above factors and in order to strengthen and update the skills of the trainee and thereby increasing the revenue of Government, the scheme named PRODUCTION ORIENTED SCHEME. It was launched in the State during 1981, & there after necessary amendments are done in the existing G.R. (शासन निर्णय क्रमांक आयटीआय -१०००/(३०२)/व्यशि – १, दि . ०१/०२/२००२ )

1. To enhance the skill and practice given to the trainees to make them competent for wage and self-employment.

2. To compensate the expenditure on raw material required for the ITI Training.

3. To provide on the Job training to the trainees and instructors/ staff and develop Self- confidence and interest in work.

4. By making optimum utilization of available Machinery, Equipment and Manpower of the institute for generating revenue to the institute and from this revenue procures modern machinery for the institute and implement other Developmental projects.

5. By implementing this scheme establish good relation with the industry in the vicinity, industrial organization, Government and Semi- Government organization and benefits to be made available for the trainees.

6. As the result of decision taken by Government of Maharashtra to establish 1 Industrial Training Institute at each Taluka Level, the courses started were based on advanced technology. To strengthen & implement this scheme successfully, Government of Maharashtra has issued Government Resolution No. ITI-1000/(302)/Voc-1, Dt. 01/02/2002.

Production Oriented Scheme is compulsory for all Industrial Training Institutes.